Thursday, June 28, 2007

music music omg music

So I finally remembered to get on to emusic before my month ran out this time.
New music =
camper van beethoven, (self titled)
the twilight singers, "blackberry belle"
radio 4, "gotham!"
my robot friend, "dial 0"
someone still loves you boris yeltzin. "broom"

In addition to that, I got on isohunt and picked up battles "mirrored", and black rebel motorcycle club "baby 81". So I'll be busy listening to new things for a while. And it might take a long while, because I can't stop listening to the Battles album. They're amazing. And I know I picked up this record after it's been out a while, I've just been lazy about grabbing music the last few months.

In other news - seeing as it's been a while since my last pst - jess and I are looking for apartments together. Pretty sure we'll head in the downtown region, but there are a few other possibilities. While I'm slightly irked being as far away from work as we might be, I'd much rather be able to do things downtown without always looking for parking. And I think it'll get me on the bike a lot more. I ride it a fair amount now, but all the trails meet downtown, which is a huge spur to get out and go.

Work has been going well, and soon I'll no longer be the new kid on the block in project management. One of the other guys is moving over to marketing, so we're pulling in someone to replace him, plus another PM position was approved, so there'll be two new people coming in the next month or so. We're also going to be regionalizing. Actual regionalization, unlike the pseudo-regionalization we have right now for some of the PM's who've been there a while. Last I heard I'll probably be one of two in the northeast. things should be more set in stone tomorrow after our meeting.