Monday, March 17, 2008

A wonderful tribute from a new neighbor

I was back in DeKalb for a few hours this weekend with Jess for her
alumni symposium for the journalism department, and on the way out of town I wanted to go past Upstaging, since I hadn'tseen it since all the construction was finished on the buildings. While it looks much nicer than I remember, it was also nice to see they had a gobo made up with the remembrance ribbon for the NIU shooting of Feb 14th. You can count the number of years Upstaging has been in the neighboring town of Sycamore on one hand, but I know they've already taken up a relationship with the theatre department at NIU, as well as giving many students employment, of which I was one my last year there. Whoever made the decision at the company to put this up, I thank you. It's been tough for me, still knowing people living and attending classes in DeKalb, and while this tribute is a little off the beaten path, it's nice to see such a new part of the community making this kind display tobremember the tragedy that happened on campus which won't soon be forgotten.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Stranded in the snow

Jess and I came across this yesterday on the way home from an
afternoon of No Country for Old Men at the Orpheum, followed by steamy
drinks at Michelangelo's. Reminds me of when I was a kid and lost
many a GI Joe outside over the winter.