Monday, March 12, 2007

A slight delay...

I just realized that I haven't posted to this in a while, and that I had news worth posting a while ago, so I better get to it. To anyone who reads this that I don't regularly talk to, I had applied within ETC for an opening at project manager back in late January. After a few weeks and two interviews, they offered me the position, which I'll begin my training for next Monday. I'm quite happy about it, as what I was doing before wasn't all that mentally stimulating. With the amount of time I had during the automated part of the test sequence, it was easy to find me doing puzzles from the morning paper while still maintaining the same output as if I weren't. So yay for more challenging ventures!

On another note, I've decided my car is committing suicide. With all the things that keep falling apart/breaking, and people trying to hit me on the road, I believe there is a universal calling for my car to come home to pasture. So I'm hoping to have some new wheels by fall, once I get some cash stashed away.

Also, for anyone in the Madison area - or those that would like to come to the madison area - J Davis Trio is playing here Friday night (the 16th of March) at the Union. They're amazing, and I'll be there, which should be the only reasons anyone needs to come out.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job. Workplace stimulation is very important. (I spend a good portion of my day reading the New York Times.)

Nondescript said...

Yay for the new job and boo for me not seeing more of J Davis Trio. Hope you can get those new wheels soon, Al has a yellow car now. ... yellow ... lol Talk to you later!